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Unlocking Revenue Potential: Lepeke Medical Offers Solutions for In-Room Procedures

Writer's picture: lepeke mogashoalepeke mogashoa

Discovery Health Medical Scheme introduced cover for specialist in-rooms procedures for certain procedures that specialists consider appropriate for an in rooms settings. Specialists are reimbursed for a defined list of procedures performed in rooms with an adjusted professional fee. These upward adjusted fixed fees are based on the cost for each event of procedure, where performed in rooms.

Lepeke Medical, along with its partners, has developed medical equipment packages that empower practitioners to increase revenue through efficient in-room procedures. We offer comprehensive support, including financing options for equipment, to help you get started. The rise of in-room procedures allows practitioners to capture a larger share of revenue compared to traditional operating room settings.

Lepeke medical and its partners equipment package solution that includes:

  1. Hysterocase full solution

  2. Desktop Autoclave

  3. Co2 Fraction laser system

  4. LLETZ System/leep

  5. Colposcope

  6. Digital colposcope

  7. Thermal Ablation

  8. Electronic Gynae Exam Bed

Some of the authorized procedures include the following:

  • Marsupialisation of Bartholin's gland abscess/cyst

  • Bartholin glands excision

  • Destruction of condylomata by chemo-,cryo-or electrotherapy, or harmonic scalpel; widespread( more than 6); stand alone procedure.

  • Excision of vaginal cysts or tumours( benign)

  • Drainage of vaginal abscess

  • Colposcopy + Cyo-, electro- conization of cervix, with or without dilation& Currettage, with or without repair, loop electronic excision.

  • Colposcopy + Biopsy of the cervix; single, multiple or local excision of a lesion including polyps, with or without fulguration

  • Cerclage of cervix, during pregnancy; vaginal

  • Colposcopy of vulva and/or vagina and/or cervix

  • Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

  • Hysteroscopy and sampling of the endometrium and/or polypectomy with or without D&C

  • Termination of pregnancy surgical/evacuation/vacuum aspiration

  • Evacuation: Missed abortion: Before 12 weeks gestation



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